Leading car wash service in Iceland

We have stations in Reykjavík, Akureyri, Reykjanesbær and in Vestmannaeyjar.

Premium soft roll-over

car wash

Open 8:00-19:00 during weekdays and open 10:00-18:00 during weekends except for Vesturlandsvegur that is open all days from 8:00-19:00

Touch free automatic car wash

Minimal water waste and reducing the risk of any part of the vehicle being damaged during the cleaning process.

Self service

car wash

 With self-service car washes, you can clean certain areas more and other areas less to get the cleanliness you desire.

Explore services and prices

Löður subscription service

In collaboration with Parka, we offer our customers two new service options.

The service options are Löður’s subscription and pay by plate The subscription is active at selected stations, most of which are touchless stations, with four staffed car wash stations.

To sign up for either service option, you must first install the Parka app on your phone. Then, follow a few steps to complete the setup, and the customer can choose the service that suits them best.

These service options are great for those who want to take good care of their car in a simple and fast way.

  1. Register your license plate number and payment card information.
  2. When you drive to a station, the camera system reads the license plate and checks whether the customer is subscribed or using Pay-as-you-go.
  3. The door opens automatically, and the customer drives through the washing process.
  4. Parka handles the automatic payment afterward.

You can choose between two subscription options at selected car wash stations:

  • Touchless for 6,900 ISK
  • Touchless and soft roll-over for 9,900 ISK

A 50% discount is available for a second car.

With pay by plate, you only pay for the times you use the service, according to Löður’s price list.

Premium soft roll-over car wash

The soft roll-over car wash station has light and soft sponge brushes that clean the hubcaps well and use  a tire shine for the tires. 

Open 8:00-19:00 in Fiskislóð 29, Grandi, 101 Reykjavík and Fitjar, Reykjanesbæ. Vesturlandsvegur is open everyday from 8:00-19:00

  • Automatic car wash
  • Three touchless car wash stations.

  • Fiskislóð 29

    Fiskislóð 29, 101 Reykjavík

    at Grandi harbour

    Premium soft roll-over tunnel-station

    • Open 8:00-19:00 Monday-Friday, 10:00-18:00 Weekends
    • Manned station, selling cleaning products.
    • Payment: Cash, credit and debit card

    ♿  Easy access for handicapped.

  • Fitjar - Reykjanesbæ

    Fitjar - Reykjanesbær

    Soft-roll carwash

    • Weekdays from: 08:00 - 19:00
    • Weekends from: 10:00 - 18:00
    • Pay with cards and phone (Apple Pay, Google Pay og Löður app)
    • Max height: 2,3 m

    ♿ Wheelchair accessible

  • Vesturlandsvegur

    Fitjar - Vesturlandsvegur

    Soft-roll carwash

    • Every day from: 08:00 - 19:00

    Pay with cards and phone (Apple Pay, Google Pay og Löður app)

    Max height: 2,3 m

    ♿ Wheelchair accessible


Touch free automatic car wash

Touchless stations are better for the shellac of the car and will make it clean and shining.

  • First class washing materials, soaps and polish.
  • The touchless stations are open 24/7.
  • The touchless stations are in 9 locations.
  • Vesturlandsvegur

    Vesturlandsvegur - Reykjavík

    At Orkan fuel station

    2 options:

    Touch free automatic car wash

    • Open 24 hr.
    • Payment: Credit and debit card

    Self service car wash.

    • Open 24 hr.
    • Payment: Credit and debit card

    ♿  Easy access for handicapped.

  • Skúlagata

    Skúlagata 2 - Reykjavík 

    by Olís fuel station

    Touch free automatic car wash

    • Open 24 hr.
    • Payment: Credit and debit card

    ♿  Easy access for handicapped.

  • Bæjarlind

    Bæjarlind 18 - Kópavogur 

    by KFC and ÓB fuel station

    Touch free automatic car wash

    • Open 24 hr.
    • Payment: Credit and debit card
  • Hagasmári

    Hagasmári 9 - Kópavogur

    by Orkan fuel station and Smáralind shopping mall.

    Touch free automatic car wash

    • Open 24 hr.
    • Payment: Credit and debit card
  • Vestmannaeyjar

    Faxastígur 36 - Vestmannaeyjar

    Open 24/7

    Touch free automatic car wash

    • Pay with cards and phone (Apple Pay, Google Pay og Löður app)
    • Max height: 2,3 m

    ♿ Wheelchair accessible

  • Einhella

    Einhella 1a - Hafnarfjordur

    Open 24/7

    Touch free automatic car wash

    Pay with cards and phone (Apple Pay, Google Pay og Löður app)

    Max height: 2,1 m

    ♿ Wheelchair accessible

  • Grímseyjargata

    Grímseyjargata - Akureyri

    Touch free automatic car wash

    Open 24 hr.

    Payment: Credit and debit card

  • Fellsmúli

    Fellsmúli - Reykjavík

    Touch free automatic car wash

    Open 24 hr.

    Payment: Credit and debit card

Self service car wash

We're here to create fantastic campaigns that tell your story, grab attention, get people interested, and ensure that what you've got to say stands out from the rest.

  • Pay with your smartphone
  • Pay with all major credit and debit cards
  • Pay with the Löður app
  • Open 24/7
  • Stekkjarbakki

    Stekkjarbakki, 109 Reykjavík. Básar

    Touch free automatic car wash

    Open 24 hr.

    Payment: All major credit- and debit cards as well as Apple/Google Pay.

    Pay with our Löður app.

    Self service car wash

    Easy access for handicapped.

    Löður app

    By using our Löður app, you can pay for each wash from the driving seat!

    You can apply for our app here

Services and prices

Services and prices

Svamburstastöð Fiskislóð 29 og bílaþvottastöð Dalvegi 22

Premium soft roll-over car wash tunnel
in Dalvegur, Fiskislóð, Fitjar and Vesturlandsvegur

Regular passanger cars

Svamburstastöð Fiskislóð 29 og bílaþvottastöð Dalvegi 22

Medium sized cars and SUVs

Svamburstastöð Fiskislóð 29 og bílaþvottastöð Dalvegi 22

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